Haut-Rhin (France)
There are 13 registered holidays for the Haut-Rhin provider in 2024.
The below listed holidays (and the aforementioned number of holidays) merely reflect which holidays are registered with the Haut-Rhin provider in Yasumi. These do not indicate whether a particular holiday is considered a non-working day or not.
Although Yasumi has the ability to classify holidays (e.g. 'Official', 'Regional', etc.), this isn't optimal feature and we are working on a different classification system.
2024-01-01 (Monday)
New Year’s Day
2024-03-29 (Friday)
Good Friday
2024-04-01 (Monday)
Easter Monday
2024-05-01 (Wednesday)
International Workers’ Day
2024-05-08 (Wednesday)
Victory in Europe Day
2024-05-09 (Thursday)
Ascension Day
2024-05-20 (Monday)
2024-07-14 (Sunday)
Bastille Day
2024-08-15 (Thursday)
Assumption of Mary
2024-11-01 (Friday)
All Saints’ Day
2024-11-11 (Monday)
Armistice Day
2024-12-25 (Wednesday)
2024-12-26 (Thursday)
St. Stephen’s Day
The following list of sources are used for determining the calculation logic of the holidays given by the Haut-Rhin Holiday provider.