Keep your global application in sync with holiday dates - Forever
Yasumi (Japanese for 'Holiday'「休み」) is the easy PHP library that helps you retrieve the dates and names of holidays and other special celebrations from various countries/states. It is calculation and rule-driven, avoiding the need for a comprehensive database.
Why use Yasumi?
Many services exist that can provide holiday information, but are either not entirely free or only offer limited information. In addition, no exhaustive PHP library exists today, covering a wide range of holidays and countries. PEAR's Date_Holidays library was a similar attempt; However, it hasn't been updated for a long time.
Easily extend new countries
New countries and holidays can be added comfortably as Yasumi is provider-based and holidays are rule-driven.
Use with any PHP framework
Yasumi is framework-agnostic, allowing you to use it anywhere, without trouble even when you decide to change your framework.
Speaks multiple languages
Yasumi comes out of the box with translations in many languages for all the holiday names, and is totally timezone-aware.
Open source
Yasumi is licensed under the MIT License.
The goal of Yasumi is to be powerful while remaining lightweight, by utilizing PHP native classes wherever possible. Yasumi's calculation is provider-based (i.e. by country/state), making it easy to add new holiday providers that calculate holidays.
- Pure PHP with a straightforward API
- Supports PHP versions 8.1 or higher
- Framework-agnostic
- Use of Providers to easily extend and expand new Holidays
- Common Holiday Providers
- Accounts for the date/time when holidays have been officially established and/or abolished
- Filters enabling you to easily select certain holiday types (Official, Observed, Bank, Seasonal or Other)
- Global Translations
- Time zone aware
- Implements ArrayIterator to easily process a provider's holidays
- Fully documented and unit tested
- Composer ready, PSR-12 and PSR-4 compliant
Getting started
Be sure to include the Composer autoload file in your project:
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
// Use the factory to create a new holiday provider instance
$holidays = Yasumi\Yasumi::create('USA', (int) date('Y'));
That's all it takes, you're ready to go!
Credits and License
Yasumi is created and maintained by Sacha Telgenhof, with the support of many wonderful contributors. Yasumi is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT License (MIT). The documentation website content is licensed CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.